Locations nationwide
Average sales per month
Lowest start-up inventory
No Fee, No minimum

Sample pack Taste test
- 3 Bottles FruitFirst™ Smoothie Mix Puree
- 1 Bottle Chocolate pumpable smoothie mix
- 1 Can Pumpable Peanut Butter
- 1 Bag of Smoothie Base Powder
- 1 Jug smoothie boost
- 1/2 sleeve 16oz Cup
- 1/2 sleeve 24oz Cup
- 1 Sleeve lid for 16 and 24oz cups
- 1 Set of handful straws
- 1 Piece Peanut Butter Pump
- 4 Pieces puree pump
Our Partners

Steps To PArtnership

Step 1
Contact us
Whether you reach out to us or we reach out to you.

Step 2
Claim a sample pack
Once qualified, you’ll receive a sample pack to test out.

Step 3
Be a partner!
Let us do the work for you.

Step 4
Start your business
Sell smoothies and achieve 3x profit!
Take the first step!
Join and become a partner.