Category: Smoothies

Romellaine Arsenio

Nov. 10, 2021

Coffee and smoothies — they go beyond quenching our thirst. They represent a city or country’s culture of pleasure and socialization and the abundant natural resources they have around.

Relaxing Spots

Romellaine Arsenio

Nov. 02, 2021

When do you like to enjoy your smoothie? If you’re taking smoothies in the morning, I’m guessing you’ll want them to fuel you until lunchtime. But sometimes, as early as 10 am, you find yourself craving a full meal or some chips.

Romellaine Arsenio

Oct. 04, 2021

What to put in your smoothie? I bet you have your favorite chocolate or strawberry smoothie. But if you’re having smoothies every day for your health and fitness, you can run out of ideas.

Romellaine Arsenio

Sep. 26, 2021

I’m Cassandra, and I’m always trying to figure out how to make a delectable smoothie. Freezing half a fruit or a cube of puree makes smoothies thicker. I keep bananas in the freezer all the time because they blend well with berries and almost every other fruit.

Fruit purees for smoothies

Romellaine Arsenio

Sep. 13, 2021

Having a smoothie is so much fun! Who can say no to tasty real fruit goodness and fantastic health benefits? You’ll say yes without finishing the sentence. We’re not given all these fantastic flavors to miss them.

Romellaine Arsenio

Sep. 10, 2021

What is a smoothie? When you scroll your iPad for food delivery or when you giddily look at the mahogany Starbucks board, you’ll probably see different sections for juices, smoothies, slushies, and shakes. Then you ask yourself, how can I tell them apart?

The Art of Juicing

Romellaine Arsenio

Sep. 06, 2021

Banana, Banana Hama… Are you singing with me? Bet you are! Maybe you’re also daydreaming of the endless white beaches and the turquoise waters of the Bahamas.

Romellaine Arsenio

Aug. 11, 2021

Hello! My name is Adelle, and six years ago, fitness and real fruit smoothies saved my life! 

Fitness Mindset

Romellaine Arsenio

Aug. 06, 2021

Want a smoothie? Of course, you do. Everybody takes a break once in a while. And who could say no to the seamless blend of whole milk and natural strawberries? The best thing about smoothies? They are 100% healthy, and you can have them every day.

Blending Fruits

Romellaine Arsenio

Jul. 20, 2021

What comes into your mind when you hear the word “Vegan?” Maybe you’re thinking about Miley Cyrus, Natalie Portman, Ariana Grande, Ellen Degeneres, and the list goes on.

Good vegan options for smoothies